
What is Mentorship?

Mentorship is a relationship that provides an avenue for growth and development, primarily for
the mentee but often for the mentor too. A good mentor provide encouragement, guidance,
coaching, and feedback towards success in your professional life.

“Mentorship is one of the keys to success in business, and can play a major role in a woman’s career path to leadership. Mentors can help you identify and achieve career goals, give you confidence, broaden your knowledge, empower you, and open doors, paving the way to access leadership positions.”


Get the most out of a Mentor relationship

At KWIB program we want mentees to get the most they can out of their mentorship relationship and realize the success they are looking for. While each mentee/mentor relationship will be unique based on personality and experience, there are a few guidelines that are found to be successful:

– Good Communication
– Clear Goals
– Openness to Learning
– Positivity
– Flexibility

– Accept Constructive Feedback
– Time Management
– Honesty
– Personal Commitment

KWIB Mentorship 12-week Program Provides

Weekly one-to-one mentorship with a business professional
Business and profession growth that you want to focus on
Valuable advice and knowledge specific to you
Growth for your business network.

Program Cost: $200

For Kelowna Women in Business Members Only. 

Want to register for the program but not a member? Join our community here.

Interested in Becoming a Mentee?

Applications for the Spring 2024 cohort are now closed. If you have questions about the program please contact Mentorship Director, Christina Skinner, at [email protected].

Created to honour and celebrate the achievements of inspirational members of the Kelowna business community, the Rise Awards culminates with an awards ceremony and banquet – after a rigorous nomination process.

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